More than 35 years in the sector and the trust of customers support our work.
Assembly of self loading cranes for construction, heavy machinery, forestry and scrap metal.
Assembly, revision and repair of multi-brand multi dumper for vehicles of all types of tonnage.
Tenemos una amplia gama de volquetes de fabricación propia tanto para vehículos ligeros como pesados.
Manufacture, repair and adaptation of all types of fixed body trucks depending on the vehicle and its function.
Fabricamos y adaptamos carrocerías especiales para multibasculantes con diversas utilidades.
Assembly and repair of PVC sliding awnings.
Assembly, review and repair of vertical, retractable and column multi-brand lifting platforms.
Manufacture of machinery carriers with double hydraulic ramp and winch.
Assembly and repair of hydraulic equipment designed for semi-trailers, self-loading cranes and mobile floors.
All kinds of special adaptations of bodies and tippers.
Sale, assembly and installation of accessories for self-loading cranes, fixed bodies, tippers, etc.